Bring new knowledge and expertise into your business
let a tertiary student complete a workplace project for you over summer or in 2019
Northern Industry Student Placement Program (NISPP) connects local businesses with tertiary students from La Trobe University and RMIT University so that businesses benefit from new expertise and students gain valuable workplace experience. · Engineering – requirements: supervision and mentoring from a relevant higher education qualified engineer on site. RMIT positions can be paid or unpaid and 10 weeks full time or part time equivalent. La Trobe positions are paid and full time for 6 months. · Cyber security – requirements: supervision and mentoring from a relevant higher education qualified person on site. Positions can be paid or unpaid. 12 weeks part time, or full time. · Data science/analytics – requirements: supervision and mentoring from a relevant higher education qualified or experienced person on site. Positions are generally unpaid. 12 weeks part time. · Computer science/IT – requirements: supervision and mentoring from a relevant higher education qualified person on site. Positions are for La Trobe students and must be paid for 12 weeks full time or part time equivalent. · Software Engineering – requirements: supervision and mentoring from a relevant higher education qualified person on site. Positions are for RMIT students and must be paid full time for 40 weeks. Commencement dates: Flexible Closing date: Expressions of interest must be submitted by NO LATER THAN 19 November. Register your placement opportunity: |