Whittlesea Food Collective launch

Published: NORTH Link

Wednesday 20th November, 4–6pm

Building D, Melbourne Polytechnic Epping campus, opposite Epping train station, enter off Dalton Road

Whittlesea Food Collective will offer a range of services and
products from its first site on Melbourne Polytechnic’s Epping
campus, Dalton Road, Epping. These include:

Food Distribution Centre
A central point of donation and collection, with wrap around
information, referral and casework services.

Demonstration Garden
A raised garden to supply the Food Distribution Centre,
demonstrate ease of growing range of foods and host edible
gardening, composting, pruning/grafting workshops and
introduction to horticulture and permaculture style courses and
community events like harvest festivals.

Food Preparation
Use the commercial kitchen to prepare food for later use, for
example by preserving and preparing frozen meals. Provide
opportunities for community members to share their culinary skills
and host food handling training and cooking courses.

Volunteering & Work Experience
Offer range of opportunities for people to volunteer and undertake
work experience including warehousing and logistics, food
preparation, community services, administration and event

Social Enterprise
Explore the development of social enterprises that support the work
of the Food Collective and/or create employment pathways which
could include niche catering services, micro food manufacturing and

For more information please ring Alex Haynes 0408 255 266 or email contact@foodcollective.org.au

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