Macpherson Kelley Employment Law Series: Managing ill and injured employees

Published: NORTH Link

NORTH Link has partnered with Macpherson Kelley Lawyers to bring you an Employment Law series.

The series is comprised of four seminars throughout the year, each focusing on a different aspect of the law surrounding staff entitlements and responsibilities. The first seminar of 2019 was in March, ‘The Executive Employee Lifecycle: Risks and Rewards’, and the upcoming event is on Wednesday 26 June titled ‘Managing Ill and Injured Employees.’

The seminars are presented by Christina Tsakiris and Annabelle Uebergang, employment law experts. During their presentations, they are more than willing to take questions from attendees, giving insights and advice that businesses can use practically. They also speak at length about real world cases to illustrate the historical backing for their advice.

At the next presentation, Christina and Annabelle will discuss the host of practical and legal challenges involved with managing ill and injured employees. They will talk about the risks and obligations of an employer that arise under both State and Federal legislation and offer practical advice and answers surrounding this part of employee life.

You can click here to register for free.
You can click here to read the flyer.

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